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USA: Kids Online Safety Act referred to full committee

On May 23, 2024, the House Energy and Commerce Committee published a blog post announcing that the Kids Online Safety Act was forwarded, without amendment, to the full committee by a voice vote. The bill provides several definitions including 'child,' 'compulsive usage,' 'covered platform,' 'design feature,' and 'covered platform.' The bill also highlights that covered platforms must exercise reasonable care in creating and implementing design features to prevent and mitigate harm to minors. 


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will be responsible for enforcing the bill, and violations will be treated as an unfair or deceptive act or practice under the FTC Act.


The bill states that it shall preempt any state law, rule, or regulation to the extent that there is a conflict with a provision of the bill. However, the bill shall not be read as prohibiting a state from enacting a law, rule, or regulation that provides greater protection to minors than the protections provided by the bill.

You can read the bill here and the blog post here.