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Netherlands: Government publishes National Digital Crisis Plan

The Government of the Netherlands published, on 21 February 2020, its National Digital Crisis Plan ('the NCP-Digital'), which replaces the previous National ICT Crisis Plan of 2012. In particular, the NCP-Digital outlines the existing national agreements on incident management and the Government's crisis approach. In addition, the NCP-Digital contains a step-by-step plan to be implemented during preparations for, or responses to, an incident regarding national security. The NCP-Digital targets employees, managers and directors of all organisations within the national crisis structure, such as the National Cyber Security Centre, as well as private organisations which can prepare their own plans aligned with it. Furthermore, the NCP-Digital indicates that organisations must consider the most important possible direct or indirect consequences, which mitigating measures are needed to combat the same, and which parties are involved or required. 

You can read the press release here and download the NCP-Digital here, both only available in Dutch.