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Greenland: Center for Cybersikkerhed publishes cyberthreat assessment for Greenland

On April 8, 2024, the Government of Greenland (Naalakkersuisut) announced that the Center for Cybersecurity (Center for Cybersikkerhed) had published its assessment of the cyber threat against Greenland. In particular, the assessment analyzes several cyber threats including cyber espionage, cybercrime, destructive cyber attacks, cyber activism, and cyber terrorism. 

According to the assessment, the threat from cyber espionage and cybercrime in Greenland is very high. The assessment singles out ransomware attacks as the most serious threat from cybercrime against Greenland. Further, the assessment explains that authorities and companies that strengthen their resilience to prevent attempted ransomware attacks will also be resilient against cyber espionage.

Finally, the assessment states that the threat from cyber activism, cyber terrorism, and destructive cyber attacks that destroy data or lead to physical injury is low in Greenland. Overall, the threat assessment emphasizes that there is a need for a continued and strengthened cyber effort to protect Greenland against cyber threats.

You can read the press release here, and download the assessment here both only available in Danish.