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Belgium: DPA approves first public sector code of conduct for notaries under the GDPR

The Belgian Data Protection Authority ('Belgian DPA') announced, on 15 September 2021, that it had approved its first national code of conduct under the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) ('GDPR') within Decision No. 04/2021 of 8 April 2021. In particular, the code of conduct pertains to the National Chamber of Notaries, adapting the provisions of the GDPR to the processing activities carried out by the same. For instance, the code of conduct clarifies requirements for the appointment of a data protection officer, data security measures, measures to raise awareness among employees regarding responsibilities for protecting personal data, and the data subject's right to information. 

Furthermore, although the Belgian DPA outlined that the National Chamber of Notaries will supervise compliance with the code of conduct, the Belgian DPA further explained that a supervisory body had not been accredited in this instance, as the code relates to the activities of a public body.

You can read the press release in French here and in Dutch here, as well as the decision in French here and in Dutch here