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Armenia: PDPA issues guidance on data protection during public events

The Agency for Personal Data Protection of the Ministry of Justice of Republic Armenia ('PDPA') issued, on 6 September 2019, guidance on the protection of personal data during public events ('the Guidance'). In particular, the Guidance notes that data processors must ensure that an event participant is aware that his/her picture can be taken and used, and recommends verbal or written precautions such as the distribution of information leaflets to participants about filming and photography, and warning photographers to avoid photographing those who do not wish to be on camera. Moreover, the Guidance recommends that when obtaining personal data from event participants, such as name, contact information, and signature, the data processor must adhere to the principle of proportionality and clearly set out the purposes of obtaining the personal information. In addition, the Guidance highlights that event organisers must provide a way for individuals on mailing lists to withdraw their consent to receive emails, and correct and update their data.

You can read the Guidance, only available in Armenian, here.