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Law: Organic Act No. 2004-63 of 27 July 2004 on the Protection of Personal Data (only available in French and Arabic here) ('the Law')

Regulator: Tunisian data protection authority ('INPDP')

Summary: Tunisia adopted its first data protection law in 2004 and a project to review the law (see report, only available in French and Arabic, here) has been under parliamentary scrutiny since 2017, although the November 2019 parliamentary elections resulted in delays. Several technical regulations have been enacted such as the Law and Decree No. 2007-3004 of 27 November 2007 Laying Down the Conditions and Procedures for the Declaration and Authorisation of the Processing Of Personal Data (available only in Arabic and French here), in order to supplement and enhance data protection in Tunisia. In 2017, Tunisia became a signatory to Convention 108 and, in 2019, Tunisia signed Convention 108+ although it has yet to ratify this latter protocol.