Law: The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990-91 ('the Act'). Please note that the Act applies to public bodies only. Private organisations are regulated at the federal level by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2000 ('PIPEDA').
Regulator: Office of the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner ('OIPC')
Summary: The Act provides rules for the protection of personal information and for access to information held by Saskatchewan's government bodies. In addition, The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act 1990-91 applies to local authorities, such as school boards, post-secondary institutions, rural municipalities, and regional health authorities whilst The Health Information Protection Act 1999 ('HIPA') applies to personal health information ('PHI') held by the provincial government and other service providers in the health sector. HIPA establishes obligations regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and overall protection of PHI and private organisations that act as trustees of PHI must comply with its requirements.