Northwest Territories
Law: Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, SNWT 1994 c 20 ('the Act'). Please note that the Act applies to public bodies only. Private organisations are regulated at federal level by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act 2000 ('PIPEDA').
Regulator: Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner Northwest Territories ('OIPC')
Summary: The Northwest Territories do not have a separate general privacy law for private organisations beyond the federal PIPEDA. However, the Northwest Territories have privacy related laws such as the Act and the Health Information Act, which grant data subjects with the right to access their personal information from public bodies as well as health information custodians, respectively. The OIPC has the power to investigate privacy complaints regarding the collection, use, or disclosure of personal or health information by public bodies and health information custodians, as well as to investigate any matter relating to the application of the Act and the Health Information Act, whether or not a review is requested.