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Law: Law No. 025/2023 of 09/07/2023 amending Law No. 001/2011 of September 25, 2011, on the protection of personal data (only available in French here) (the Personal Data Law).

Regulator: Gabon data protection authority (APDPVP)

Summary: The National Assembly and the Senate of Gabon adopted the country's overarching data protection legislation in the form of the Law in 2011, which was subsequently amended by the Personal Data Law. The Personal Data Law provides data subjects with, among others, the rights of access, to object to data processing, and to rectification and erasure. The Personal Data Law provides that the APDPVP can, alongside issuing warnings and a three-month ban on activities, impose fines ranging from CFA 1 million (approx. $1,630) to CFA 100 million (approx. $162,850) for violations of the Law, and CFA 100 million to CFA 300 million (approx. $488,540) for repeat violations. The APDPVP is also an observing member of the Consultative Committee of Convention 108.