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Law: Law of the Republic of Armenia of 13 June 2015 No. 49-ZR on the Protection of Personal Data ('the Personal Data Law')

Regulator: The Personal Data Protection Agency ('the Agency') at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia ('MoJ') is responsible for oversight of data protection legislation. The Agency does not have its own dedicated website, but its decisions and guides are published on the MoJ website in Armenian here and here.

Summary: Data protection in Armenia is regulated by the Personal Data Law, as well as sectoral legislation such as the Labour Code of the Republic of Armenia of 2004, and Law of 7 October 1996 No. HO-80 on Bank Secrecy ('Bank Secrecy Law'). In addition, the Agency has released guidance on topics such as children's personal data, video surveillance, personal data related to labour relations, and the protection of personal data at public events. Moreover, Armenia is party to Convention 108, the Additional Protocol, and Convention 108+.
