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Armenia: PDPA releases guide on data protection in employment

The Ministry of Justice announced, on 10 April 2017, that the Agency for Personal Data Protection ('PDPA') had developed a guide on the protection of personal data in employment relationships ('the Guide'). The Guide aims to raise awareness amongst employers regarding personal data protection issues, such as the protection of workers as data subjects and the uniform interpretation of Armenian data protection legislation.

In particular, the Guide outlines general principles of personal data processing to provide a balance between the legitimate interests of the employer and the rights of the employee. Additionally, the Guide defines the internal processes and procedures which employers should follow, including establishing a list of data to be processed; obtaining adequate consent of employees in the requisite form and implementing limitations on the retention of data. The Guide also elaborates on best practices for employee monitoring, including via email, telephone and video.

You can read the press release here and the Guidelines here, both only available in Armenian.